Fornax Dwarf Spherical Galaxy
ngc 253 in Sculptor wide
Abell 194 cluster and Arp 133
M 101, the pinwheel galaxy
ngc 6822 Barnard's galaxy
ic 1613 Cetus Dwarf
ngc 147 and 185 dwarf galaxies
M33 in Triangulum
M51 - the Whirlpool
Leo 2 dwarf galaxy
Sculptor dwarf galaxy
Sextans A dwarf galaxy
Bode's galaxies, M81 and M82
the Leo Trio galaxy group
Markarian's chain in Virgo
M 31, Andromneda galaxy NEW
ngc 6946 and 6939
ngc 4038 and 4039, the antennae
Abell 2151 with ic 1182
ngc 253 the Scuptor galaxy
Abell 1185 and Arp 105
M101 with SN 2011fe
NEW M64, June 2012
M82 the cigar galaxy
Aquarius dwarf irregular galaxy
ngc 4088 and sn2009dd
M97 and M108
M 98 and M 99
M 99
M 106
ngc 5982
ngc 891
ngc 3718,3729, and Hickson 56
NEW M 83 - southern pinwheel
NEW ngc 4772 and PSN